Ultimaker 2 Family of 3D Printers: The Easy-To-Use & Reliable 3D Printers
- Very high print quality – Excellent hardware and software designs enable it to produce very high quality parts, the print quality is considered one of the best in the market.
- Lightweight print head design - resulting in one of the fastest and most accurate desktop 3D printer on the market.
- Large build size to printer size ratio - which means you can print large part, but the printer does not take up much space on your desk.
- Very quiet operation - suitable for home and office use.
- Open filament system - users are not limited to Ultimaker branded filaments, they are free to print with a wide range of printing materials available on the market.
- Large build volume - prints large part up to 22.3 x 22.3 x 20.5 cm.
- Heated glass print bed - users can print directly onto the heated print bed without applying tapes first, this saves a lot of setup time and cost. When printing is finished, the part will “pop-off” the print bed with a very smooth bottom surface, no excessive force is required to get the part off. Heated bed also enables users to print with materials like ABS which can warp easily without a heated bed.
- High quality products - Ultimaker uses highest quality parts for their printers. All printers sold in Australia are designed and made in the Netherlands.
- Easy assisted-levelling - Ultimaker 2 has a very stable print bed design, it only requires re-levelling if the print bed is moved excessively. Levelling is easy and fast, user is assisted during this process via the step-by-step guide on the LCD panel and using the scroll wheel.
- World-class software - Ultimaker's software (Cura) is the fastest software available to prepare your model for printing. It is also very easy to use and provides free updates regularly to increase the features and performance.
- Supportive online community - Ultimaker has one of the largest online community. Its international user base is always ready to share their knowledge and help each other to get the most out of their printers. User can get valuable resources 24/7.
- Open source philosophy - Ultimaker is committed to sharing their knowledge and encourage collaboration amongst people to further the advancement of 3D printing technology. Project such as YouMagine.com from Ultimaker will further enhance their already industry leading technology and strengthen their commitment to the open source community.
- Good reviews internationally - Ultimaker 2 consistently receives good reviews internationally and is the current industry leader in Europe. It has also successfully expanded into the USA as well as the Asia Pacific region, positioning itself as one of the market leader worldwide. For one of the reviews, click here.
- Award winning products - Ultimaker 2 has won multiple awards since its launch. It was awarded Best Consumer Product (Ultimaker 2) and Best Consumer Software (Cura) at the 3D Printshow Global Awards 2014 in London. More recently, the printer was awarded Best in Shootout for Overall Print Quality by Makezine.
More information of Ultimaker 2 family of 3D printers can also be found on Ultimaker's website.
Please feel free to contact us should you require more information.